Welcome to the website where we present the focus area maturity component for wordpress. Do you want to create a maturity model on your web site and rate organizations, management practices, and products? Please use this web site to do so.
To work with our focus area maturity model plug-in for wordpress, you have to follow the following steps:
- Download the plugin and install it on your WordPress site.
- Create one (or more) maturity matrices. See video for more information.
- Create instances of your matrix per maturity evaluation. See video for more information.
- Embed the instance or maturity matrix in your page with a shortcode such as
maturity_matrix matrix="1"
and your instances with shortcodes such asmaturity_matrix matrix="1" instance="2"
Do you have any support questions? Please contact dr. Slinger Jansen.
Here is a sample of the Software Ecosystem Governance Maturity Model by Slinger Jansen (2020):
And here is an example of an instance of the Matrix (in this case the evaluation of Microsoft CRM):
And another example for Eclipse:
For more information about these, we refer the reader to the article below (Jansen, 2020).
Slinger Jansen (2020). A focus area maturity model for software ecosystem governance. Information and Software Technology. (pdf).